Episode #35 (7-Jun-2015)

In this episode of the Australian Roundtable Podcast, Ethan, Johnno and Lindsay discuss medical students at Sydney University caught ‘faking patients'; More ‘medical breakthrough’ propaganda; The Sydney Siege psyop gets even more comical; A discussion on encryption and the future of digital privacy; Smart phones to replace credit cards; More ‘violence against women’ propaganda; The ‘Commonwealth of Australia’ a major donor to the Clinton Foundation; Jewish billionaires’ influence on the 2016 Presidential Election; Israel demand $4.5 billion in US ‘aid'; Elderly German woman persecuted for questioning alleged history; Facial recognition to replace PINs in China, and much more.


Intro chat (Sydney University medical students caught faking patients) – 3:44
Sydney Morning Herald: Sydney University medical students invented patients for assignments (6-Jun-2015)


1) More ‘medical breakthrough’ propaganda in corporate media – 8:52
The Courier Mail (pg 2): Arthritis breakthrough (4-Jun-2015)
The Courier Mail (pg 11): Melanoma drug breakthrough (1-Jun-2015)

2) Sydney Siege psyop gets even more comical – 13:40
The Courier Mail (pg 56): Red flags all too clear (30-May-2015)

3) Creator of PGP fears encryption coming to an end – 22:02
The Guardian: Philip Zimmermann – king of encryption reveals his fears for privacy (26-May-2015)

4) Smart phones replacing credit cards – 38:09
The Sunday Mail (pg 31): Ring the changes on credit (24-May-2015)

5) More ‘violence against women’ propaganda – 52:19
The Courier Mail (pg 17): Family terror (4-Jun-2015)
The Courier Mail (pg 11): Women accused of stabbing frenzy (5-Jun-2015)

6) Same-sex ‘marriage’ and Bruce Jenner ‘transformation’ propaganda – 1:01:47
The Courier Mail (pg 19): Hess draws a new lady in red (5-Jun-2015)
The Courier Mail (pg 32-33): Pick your words wisely (5-Jun-2015)
The Courier Mail (pg 15): Media Watch host’s bad form on Jenner’s choice (4-Jun-15)
The Courier Mail (pg 28): Let people have their say (4-Jun-2015)
The Courier Mail (pg 11): Call me Caitlyn (3-Jun-2015)
The Courier Mail (pg 20): Gay union – it’s only words (1-Jun-2015)

7) Former Victorian premier Joan Kirner passes away (Emily’s List) – 1:10:39
The Courier Mail (pg 2): Cancer claims former premier John Kirner (2-Jun-2015)
[TBU – John le Bon]


1) The ‘Commonwealth of Australia’ a major donor to the Clinton Foundation – 1:16:06
Link: Contributor and Grantor Information via Clinton Foundation
The Washington Post: Clintons’ foundation raised $2bn and some key questions (18-Feb-2015)
Link: COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA via SEC (see here for more details)
Link: What The FUQ?: Frequently Unanswered Questions of the ”Australian Government”
[Stay tuned for a feature piece at TOTTNews.com expanding on this development]

2) Jewish billionaires’ influence on 2016 Presidential Election – 1:23:53
Forward.com: Who the Jewish Billionaires Are Backing for 2016 (23-May-2015)

3) Israel wants $4.5 billion in US aid – 1:28:48
Forward.com: Israel wants 4.5 Billion a year in US aid (26-May-2015)
Link: Further information on the topic via JTA

4) Elderly German woman persecuted for questioning alleged history – 1:36:43
[TBU – John le Bon]

5) Facial recognition to replace PINs in China – 1:45:15
Sydney Morning Herald: Goodbye PIN numbers, hello face recognition technology (1-Jun-2015)

Final thoughts – 1:53:56