Category Archives: Episodes

Federal Election Special (2-Jul-2016)

In this special edition of the Australian Roundtable Podcast, Ethan, John and Lindsay reconvene to cover the 2016 Australian Federal Election (live), and also discuss some of the noteworthy events in local and world news which made headlines since the previous episode.


Welcome back and intro – 2:30
1) Australian Federal Election – 10.39
2) Is vote-counting rigged? – 51:17
3) Scotland independence referendum – 1:03:10
4) Brexit – 1:08:48
5) ‘Economic collapse’ coming? – 1:19:20
6) The ‘alt right’ and Australian independent media – 1:53:10
7) Solutions – 2:18:04
Final thoughts – 2:51:05

*Timestamps based on video; subtract about 2.30 for official mp3.

Reunion Special (17-Apr-2016)

In this special edition of the Australian Roundtable Podcast, Ethan, John and Lindsay reconvene six months after the Season One Finale. Topics of conversation include Port Arthur update; the Panama Papers; Cultural Marxism in Australia; ‘History’, modern society, and knowledge; and the ARP’s past, present, and future.


1) Port Arthur update – 6:31

2) Panama Papers – 23:49

3) Cultural Marxism in Australia – 39:20
BrisbaneTimes: QUT student faces $200,000 bill in Facebook post racism row (15-Apr-2016)
TheAge: Housing groups call for new vacancy tax to fund family violence programs (16-Apr-2016)

4) ARP: Past, present, future –  1:04:06

Final thoughts – 1:22:18

Episode #50b (20-Sep-2015) [Season Finale – Pt. II]

In Part II of this special Season Finale of the Australian Roundtable Podcast, Ethan, John and Lindsay take a look back and celebrate what has been a memorable year for the show. Topics include the beginnings of the ARP; Some of the major stories covered during the season; Various guests who graced us with their presence; ARP’s coverage of the Brisbane G20 and then the ‘Sydney Siege'; The past/present/future of the show, and much, much more.


Beginnings of the ARP (Zaid, ISIS/Terrorism, David Cameron, G20) – 0:01
Looking back at the first few episodes (Ebola, Hong Kong protests, Ukraine conflict) – 35:04
Lindsay’s influence; different individual paths taken to arrive at the ‘truth’ – 1:00:41
Episodes leading up to G20 (Whitlam and the CIA, TPP, Deported PUA) – 1:14:26
False dawn: ARP covers the Brisbane G20 – 1:30:27
ARP comes of age: The ‘Sydney Siege’ (plus Golden Sheeples and the YouTube ‘Truth Community’) – 1:44:05
Episode #16 with Jeff C – 2:11:02
Episode #17 with Peekay – 2:20:58
Guests from Episodes #13-15 (Tim O and Zac A) – 2:25:50
Developments and directions post Episode #18 (incl more discussion of Episode #16) – 2:29:00
Thoughts on the past/present/future of the ARP – 2:41:35
Final thoughts – 3:00:18

Episode #50a (20-Sep-2015) [Season Finale – Pt. I]

In Part I of this special Season Finale of the Australian Roundtable Podcast, Ethan, John and Lindsay spend the first hour of the show discussing the latest news and current affairs, including: Second installment of ‘No Jab, No Pay? No Way!’ protests in Brisbane; Change of puppet Prime Minster in Australia; Jetsetting judges; Marriage equality and ‘LGBT’ Doritos; Ann Coulter criticises disproportionate Jewish influence in politics; ‘IS terrorist’ turns out to be usual suspect, and much more.



1) Second installment of ‘No Jab, No Pay? No Way!’ protests in Brisbane – 3:36

2) Change of puppet Prime Minister in Australia – 15:16
The Australian Jewish News: Menachem Mendel Turnbull? (29-Aug-2013) Why Turnbull is a Labor Stooge (19-Sep-2015)


1) Jetsetting judges – 37:23
Courier Mail page 14: Jetset Judges off again on ‘secret’ NZ trip (14-Sep-2015)

2) Marriage equality and ‘LGBT’ Doritos – 43:47
Courier Mail page 6: Woman charged after car hits partner (14-Sep-2015)

3) Ann Coulter criticises disproportionate Jewish influence in politics – 56:06
The Times of Israel: GOP pundit attacks candidates for pandering to ‘f—ing Jews’ (17-Sep-2015)

4) ‘IS terrorist’ turns out to be usual suspect – 1:01:27
Sydney Morning Herald: FBI says ‘Australian IS jihadist’ is actually a Jewish American troll named Joshua Ryne Goldberg (12-Sep-2015)

Episode #49 (13-Sep-2015) [Ft. General Maddox]

In this episode of the Australian Roundtable Podcast, Ethan, John and Lindsay are joined by special guest General Maddox of RealNewsAustralia to discuss a range of topics including: Australian Tax Office to be given new powers; Big Tobacco uses Big Brother tactics; NewsCorp to increase book publishing and digital real estate; Drowned Syrian boy propaganda and media fakery; Universal vaccine development in the US; Winning the fight against mandatory vaccination, and much more.


Intro lulz (poll backfiring) – 3:15


1) Australian Tax Office to be given new powers – 11:28

2) Big Tobacco uses Big Brother tactics – 21:30

3) NewsCorp to increase book publishing and digital real estate – 27:08


1) Drowned Syrian boy propaganda and media fakery – 40:20
Newobserveronline: Third world invasion eye witness (5-Sep-2015) Rabbi says migrant influx into Europe is excellent news (Sep-2015)
Newobserveronline: Drowned “Syrian” Boy Funeral Exposes Lie of Nonwhite “War Refugees” (5-Sep-2015)
Newobserveronline: Dead Children Pictures: A Study in the Controlled Media’s Anti-European Double Standards (6-Sep-2015)
Infowars: Saudi Arabia Has 100,000 Air Conditioned Tents That Can House 3 Million People Sitting Empty Yet Has Taken Zero Refugees While Europe takes the burden of the migrant crisis (10-Sep-2015)

2) End game: Universal vaccine development in the US – 1:10:59

3) Winning the fight against mandatory vaccination – 1:27:14

Final thoughts – 1:55:47
CBS news: Family says boy suffered brain damage after home fumigation (8-Sep-2015)

Episode #48 (6-Sep-2015)

In this episode of the Australian Roundtable Podcast, Ethan, Johnno and Lindsay discuss the decision handed down for an historic GMO appeal in WA; DailyTelegraph calls for federal mandate of fluoride in Australia; Bank deposit tax scrapped; Murdoch wants more women in work; Brisbane flu propaganda; Northern Rivers mother planning haven for unvaccinated children; Tens of thousands ill after receiving HPV vaccine in Europe; Austria and Hungary agree to take fake refugees, and much more.


Intro lulz (incl Abbott compares ISIS to Nazis; Nazi propaganda; ISIS propaganda) – 3:47
Courier Mail page 39: Radar ‘detects Nazi gold train’ (30-Aug-2015)
Courier Mail page 16: Mystery of the ghost train’ (1-Sep-2015)
Courier Mail page 53: Hunting Hitler’s hidden loot (5-Sep-2015)


1) Decision handed down for historic GMO appeal in WA – 21:48

2) DailyTelegraph calls for federal mandate of fluoride in Australia – 31:09

3) Bank deposit tax scrapped – 43:51
Courier Mail page 2: Deposit tax withdrawn (2-Sep-2015)
Fairfax: Australian newspapers dragging down News Corp (20-Aug-2014)
Link: Protocols of the Learned elders of Zion

4) Murdoch wants more women in work – 1:01:11
Courier Mail page 1&4: Jackpot for Mums: & :We want her back at work (30-Aug-2015)
Courier Mail page 9: Hockey favours free carparking for mums (31-Aug-2015)

5) Brisbane flu propaganda
– 1:07:49
Courier Mail page 1&3: Brisbane Flu Fiasco (1-Sep-2015)
Courier Mail page 11: Strain drain (2-Sep-2015)

6) Northern Rivers mother planning haven for unvaccinated children
– 1:17:16


1) Tens of thousands ill after receiving HPV vaccine in Europe – 1:27:48

2) Austria and Hungary agree to take fake refugees – 1:34:34
HamiltonSpectator: Austria says it and Germany will take refugees from Syria (4-Sep-2015)

3) Ethan’s ‘honourable mentions’ – 1:52:50

Final thoughts – 1:59:50


Episode #47 (30-Aug-2015)

In this episode of the Australian Roundtable Podcast, Ethan, Johnno and Lindsay discuss more ‘medical breakthroughs'; New report warns more than half of students chasing dying careers; Gold Coast Police review; ‘Operation Fortitude’ shut down by protesters in Melbourne; New Zealand introduces new ‘national security’ provisions; Facebook claims to have reached one billion users, and much more.


Intro chat (More ‘medical breakthroughs’) – 2:33
CourierMail page 8: Lives at risk as girls skip cancer jabs (27-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 13: Autism diagnosis rates on rise as cases found earlier (27-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 19: Take heart from vaccine: Flu jab is better for your ticker than quitting fags (27-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 5: Australian drug could kill cancers (26-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 11: Cancer battle given heart (25-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 27: New drug gives hope (29-Aug-2015)


1) Report warns more than half of students chasing dying careers – 15:19

2) Gold Coast Police review – 27:37
CourierMail page 9: Cop this. Police bashing victim did ask for charges to be laid, despite claims he never came forward (29-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 5: Strong arm of the law (28-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 21: Bashing decision ‘a total cop-out’ (27-Aug-2015)

3) ‘Operation Fortitude’ shut down by protesters in Melbourne – 46:51
CourierMail page 21: Snap prats halt fake visa blitz (29-Aug-2015)


1) New Zealand introduces new national security provisions – 1:09:50

2) Facebook claims to have reached one billion users – 1:21:24
CourierMail page 28: Facebook hits 1 billion mark (29-Aug-2015)

3) ‘Honourable mentions’ segment – 1:34:22

Final thoughts – 1:47:25

Episode #46 (23-Aug-2015)

In this episode of the Australian Roundtable Podcast, Ethan, Johnno and Lindsay discuss Sydney Siege propaganda in overdrive; ‘Environmentalism’ absurdity and hypocrisy; China-Australia Free Trade Agreement propaganda; Murdoch media pushing cultural marxism; Update on Australia’s involvement against ISIS; US rabbis support Iran deal; World Bank critics attacked and jailed; Polls suggest Greeks think Jews have too much power, and much more.


Intro lulz (Vegemite ban update; New boogeyman same as the old boogeyman) – 3:17
CourierMail page 7: Second shot at Vegemite brew (21-Aug-2015)


1) Sydney siege propaganda overdrive – 10:06
CourierMail page 15: Cafe victims denied cash (22-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 15: Detective: I believed it was Monis (21-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 9: Reason killer was free (19-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 2: Rookie prosecutor set Monis free (18-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 8: Inquest turns to origin of siege gun (17-Aug-2015)

2) Abbott government to change environment laws – 16:27

3) ‘Environmentalism’ absurdity and hypocrisy – 24:13
CourierMail page 15: Green plea to Premier on balloons (17-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 37: Wicker-ed way to go (22-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 17: NASA puts rocket up for manned Mars trip (18-Aug-2015)

4) China Free Trade Agreement propaganda – 36:12
CourierMail page 41: Silly Billy disloyal to workers (22-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 21: Tony Abbott : Free trade key to Australia’s future (17-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 11: Free trade with China key to our kids’ future (17-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 7: Long work week dead worrying (20-Aug-2015)

5) Murdoch pushing blatant cultural marxism – 51:26
CourierMail page 3: New dads urged to stay home (17-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 4: Why working girls make better mums (16-Aug-2015)

6) Update on Australia’s involvement against IS – 1:01:07


1) US Rabbis support Iran deal – 1:07:35
TimesofIsrael: 340 US rabbis sign letter supporting Iran deal (17-Aug-2015)

2) World Bank critics attacked and jailed – 1:11:59

3) Polls suggest Greeks think Jews have too much power – 1:30:23
WashingtonFreeBeacon: Poll: 85% of Greeks Believe the Jews Have Too Much Power Over Global Finance (30-Jun-2015)

4) Ethan’s ‘honourable mentions’
– 1:44:04

Final thoughts – 1:52:48

Episode #45 (16-Aug-2015)

In this episode of the Australian Roundtable Podcast, Ethan, Johnno and Lindsay discuss G20 expenses still rising nine months after summit; Public approval of politicians plummeting; ‘No Jab, No Play’ laws to be introduced in Victoria; NSW Farmers Association drinks carbon kool-aid; Parasitism of Australian banks; Australia set to expand bombing of ISIS into Syria; Scotland bans GMO; News Corp selling off education unit; Joe Biden praises Zionist interests; Minority of people support immigration, and much more.


Intro chat (Vegemite update; Man Haron Monis) – 3:02


1) G20 expenses still rising nine months after summit – 7:45

2) Public approval of politicians plummeting – 16:56
CourierMail page 9: Politicians shackled in dungeon of disapproval (10-Aug-2015)

3) ‘No Jab, No Play’ laws to be introduced in Victoria
– 21:44

4) NSW Farmers Association drinks carbon kool-aid – 35:49
SydneyMorningHerald: Climate change: NSW Farmers Association changes policy, calls for fossil fuels transition (16-Jul-2015)

5) Parasitism of Australian banks – 46:26
CourierMail page 5: Which bank records $9b profit (13-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 18: CBA boss defends card rate (13-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 50: Simply capital: CBA launch fundraising after $9B profit (13-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 4: ‘Plastic trickery’ a bank ploy (12-Aug-2015)
CourierMail page 3: Fees give windfall to banks (11-Aug-2015)

6) Australia set to expand bombing of ISIS into Syria – 1:03:57


1) Scotland to ban GM crops – 1:20:18

2) News Corp selling off education unit – 1:29:02

3) Jewish groups getting 94% of US Homeland Security grants – 1:36:47
Forward: Jewish Groups Get 94% of Homeland Security Grants (29-Jul-2015)

4) Joe Biden praises Zionist interests – 1:41:11
NewYorkMagazine: Biden Praises Jews, Goes Too Far, Accidentally Thrills Anti-Semites (22-May-2013)

5) Minority of people support immigration
– 1:48:00

Final thoughts – 1:58:15

Episode #44 (9-Aug-2015)

In this episode of the Australian Roundtable Podcast, Ethan, Johnno and Lindsay discuss food companies deceiving consumers; Commonwealth Bank ‘travel card’ meltdown; NSW Police to wear guns in court; Police seek wider powers to ‘tackle ice epidemic’; Blood extraction from infants; Australian census goes online; Anti-same sex marriage ad silenced; A feature piece on Spain’s draconian ‘Gag Laws'; Scientists admit vaccines cause increase in virus strength; New Zealand health worker fired for refusing vaccinations, and much more.


Intro chat (Vegemite, Indigenous communities) – 2:48


1) Food companies deceiving consumers – 6:23

2) Commonwealth Bank ‘travel card’ meltdown – 14:40
CourierMail page 6: Aussie travelers denied funds in Commonwealth Bank card meltdown (4-Aug-2015)

3) NSW Police to wear guns in court – 18:22
CourierMail page 8: Security fears on rise in courts (4-Aug-2015)

4) Police seek wider powers to ‘tackle ice epidemic’ – 26:22
CourierMail page 11: Cops seek wider strip search law to reveal users (26-Jul-2015)

5) Update on accused police officer – 33:30
CourierMail page 6: Another day on the beat up (8-Aug-2015)

6) Blood extraction from infants
– 40:03
CourierMail page 19: Screening change on right foot (8-Aug-2015)

7) Australian census goes online
– 45:52

8) Anti-same sex marriage ad silenced – 54:25


1) Spain’s draconian ‘Gag Laws’ – 1:01:24

2) Scientists admit vaccines increase virus strength – 1:12:32
ScienceDaily: Some vaccines support evolution of more-virulent viruses (27-Jul-2015)

3) New Zealand health worker fired for refusing vaccinations
– 1:18:27

4) Israeli diplomat wants to maintain German guilt over Holocaust – 1:28:57
GiladAtzmon: Israeli Diplomat: Maintaining German Guilt About The Holocaust Helps Israel (31-Jul-2015)

5) Parallels between wasp pathology and human psychology – 1:39:07
OccidentalObserver: Verbal Venom: Biological Parallels for Western Pathologies (15-Oct-2013)

Final thoughts – 1:53:56