In this episode of the Australian Roundtable Podcast, Ethan, Johnno and Lindsay discuss the latest on ‘national security’ legislation; QLD G20 police powers extended; more ISIS boogeyman propaganda; judicial oversight in QLD; corporate media and big pharma propaganda; corporate media and vaccination propaganda; Joe Hockey on aged pensions; foreign takeover of Australian resources; the anniversary of Rachel Corrie’s death; free speech and Judaism; and much more.
Opening discussion – 3:00
1) National security legislation update – 9:49
Sydney Morning Herald: Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s full national security statement (23-Feb-2015)
2) QLD G20 police powers extended – 20:00
Brisbane Times: Queensland’s Crime and Corruption Commission to review G20 laws (11-Mar-2015)
3) More ISIS boogeyman propaganda – 30:51
TheAge: Islamic State’s mock executions: Why the victims in the beheading videos look so calm (12-Mar-2015)
4) Judicial oversight in QLD – 39:02
CourierMail (via PressReader): Transparency of highest order found in judiciary (11-Mar-2015)
5) Corporate media and big pharma propaganda – 48:18
CourierMail: Alternative medicines, their peddlers and their claims, should be subject to a Royal Commission (13-Mar-2015)
6) Corporate media and vaccination propaganda – 52:30
Brisbane Times: Unvaccinated children in QLD could be rejected by childcare centres under planned law (12-Mar-2015) Big win for No Jab, No Play as NSW state cabinet approves tough new vaccination laws (29-May-2013)
7) Joe hockey on aged pensions – 1:03:07
CourierMail: Treasurer Joe Hockey issues call to arms for grey army to delay their retirement (5-Mar-2015)
8) Foreign takeover of Australian resources – 1:10:33
TheAge: Historic Victorian farms near Bendigo bought by Chinese buyers (10-Mar-2015)
TheAustralian: Chinese snap up 50 dairy farms (16-Oct-2014)
ABC: Don’t worry, Australia was built on foreign investment (24-Nov-2015)
1) Anniversary of Rachel Corrie’s death – 1:24:57
Link: Israel, we won’t forget Rachel (3-Apr-2003)
2) Free speech and Judaism – 1:30:05
DavidDuke: Emergency alert – my youtube videos taken down (9-Mar-2015)
SMH: Jewish leaders demand Islamic Hizb ut-Tahrir teacher be sued for anti-Semitic hate speech (9-Mar-2015)
TimesofIsrael: Can the Jews survive free speech? (11-Mar-2015)
Link: Canadian Association for Free Expression (article dated 3-Mar-2015)
Haaretz: German ex-lawyer jailed for Holocaust denial – again (25-Feb-2015)
Link: Seudostschweiz article on Stolz’s imprisonment (in German) (17-Jan-2013)
Final thoughts – 1:58:12
MaxResistance Roundtable (Tuesday 8pm Eastern US)
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